Wednesday, September 19, 2007

i loves me some o dis...

devendra banhart - smokey rolls down thunder canyon


LISTEN! and be happy. he makes some great music. he also has a fantastic beard. you can't NOT listen to a man with that much facial hair. it's physically impossible.

Friday, September 14, 2007

oh, and by the way....

I'M AN UNCLE!!!! charisse and stephen's baby finally done got born!

little sammi

samantha nicole smith

september 11, 2007: the day my parents became way old.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


that's how many hours i was out of power. ridiculous. stupid rocky mountain power.


here is stuff. stuff i done did.


it's tiny, i know, but that's the size they gave me. oh well.

trill nameplate color

i have to create a magazine for class. this is the nameplate.

trill cover

and this is the cover.

banksy is tight.

Monday, September 3, 2007

scooter doo!

news on the scooter front! they're done and being shipped here. i share with you a pic of the exact scooter i am getting in exchange for my logo design.


if you look closely, you can see my logo in all its glory right below the headlight on the chrome in the front. you can go to my flickr page to see a bigger picture. i'm excited.

i'm in the midst of designing scooter dell'annata's other things ie. business cards, letterhead, print ads, website, etc. here are the cards. i think they have a nice little vibe going.



some music you should be listening to:
kanye west - graduation
fantastic album. he can do no wrong.

clint miller - ballad of a modern day cowboy
my buddy tyger's friend. he is incredibly talented. blows my mind.

that is it for now. more will follow at a later this the future!