Wednesday, March 25, 2009


department of eagles/no one does it like you

absolutely love this video by department of eagles. the muted colors and the ballet make it so bizarre, yet so fitting for this song.


thank you spike jonze. thank you. the visuals alone will be the worth the price of admission.

Monday, March 2, 2009


so i've decided to start a new little section for you dear readers. please, please. settle down. thank you. as you can see, the section has been imaginatively titled "things that are above average." in it, i will post things that i find reflect above-average qualities. most of these things, i'm sure, will be design related. as a sidenote, you are all encouraged to buy me what is posted. it's the least you could do.

i absolutely adore the retro packaging that general mills has rolled out for some of their cereals. it is infinitely better than the rest of the cereals that adorn grocery aisles. actually, i don't know. maybe only designers and those older than 40 will enjoy these throwbacks. either way, they're beautifully simple and childish—in a good way.

the shoes were done by hayon for camper. great colors were used without adding bells and whistles and things that aren't needed. spruce up those wingtips a bit, shouldn't we? i want them all.

killspencer makes a legit bag. all the fabrics are military grade and the attention to detail is stunning. i'm a fan, to say the least.