Wednesday, February 18, 2009


coldplay/life in technicolor II

great video.

pretty good song.

pretty good album.


fever ray/when i grow up

great video.

great song.

great album.

Monday, February 16, 2009


despite the emo connotations that forgive durden bring up for me, their latest album was one of my favorites of 2008. razia's shadow is just an unapologetic musical that has great melodies and is really well put-together. it's not going to win any awards, i don't think, but it's fun and really surprised me. it could have been incredibly corny, but was thought out enough to strike that balance of artistic license, musical theory, and light-heartedness. plus, i like the album artwork. it's like a black and white cookie melted and couldn't decide if it was happy or sad about it.

and let it be known that i probably have a place in my heart for musicals (soundtracks only, please) because of being raised by a mother with an unquenchable thirst for broadway and disney soundtracks.

forgive durden/life is looking up

forgive durden/a hundred-year, minute-long intermission (ft. donny stevens)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


here are some joints that are so fresh that they should be wrapped in plastic. man, i'm hood. they're all completely different, from insanely minimal dancehall to baltic electro to hip hop, but yet somehow related. i'm not sure how. it's just a gut feeling, like knowing when you're being stared at or invading iraq. maybe i'm just hungry. or have to poop.

busy signal/nah ansa

beirut/the concubine

the cool kids/pennies

speaking of the cool kids—and not that it's particularly life-altering or important or anything—here is a sneak peek of something i'm working on for school right now that i'm really excited about. it's just coming along really nicely and will hopefully be a legit portfolio piece. if it works out that way, i'll be able to go cruise for babes on state street with new confidence because i'll be big pimpin' at some fresh new job that my portfolio done got me. chicks dig a guy that makes 25 large a year. trust me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


maybe the best thing i've ever seen in my 24 and 11/12ths years of life.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


this is a picture from today, thanks to some obscure government webcam. i MIGHT have added the smog monster. long story short: today isn't even that bad, and i woke up with gross boogers... again. this air is really putting a squeeze on my tissue budget. what kind of zion is it when you're warned against going for a run because it would be the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes? how does this inversion nonsense work? why hasn't anybody figured out a way to get rid of it? where on earth are the planeteers? if you ask me, obama should cut their funding. they are really dropping the ball.

Monday, February 2, 2009


esser/work it out

his hair cut is silly but his music is fun.

edit: unfortunately, the video is hosted by myspace, so if you're looking at this at work or somewhere where that site is blocked, you won't be able to see it. myspace sucks.