Thursday, March 27, 2008


here is the graphics standards package i did in school for my fake travel company, vuelo.

post script: click on the images for bigger versions.

brand identity standards spreads

brand identity standards spreads2

brand identity standards spreads3

brand identity standards spreads4

brand identity standards spreads5

brand identity standards spreads6

brand identity standards spreads7

brand identity standards spreads8

brand identity standards spreads9

brand identity standards spreads10

brand identity standards spreads11

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008



the cool kids.

listen to them or i'll cut you.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


"Run" from centraloffice on Vimeo.

their new album is great, by the way. word.


here is a poster that i just did. it stars guy.

destress poster 3

these next three i have to explain a little bit. we decided today in class, while bored, that we were going to play a game. we came up with three random words and gave ourselves a 30 minute time limit to design something with the words.

hippo, yellow, galoshes

hippo yellow galoshes

roller, groceries, unicorn

roller groceries unicorn

science, magenta, tophat

science magenta tophat

suffice to say, it was an awesome game.