Thursday, October 4, 2007

greaty gravy!

i have done many things. many many things. here are a couple.


this is the logo sort of thingy for the pccha conference. this particular design is for a lapel pin (lame) that they're giving away at the event. the whole idea behind it is utah, sunset, mountains, inner flame. blam! it also prints a little warmer with more red. it looks much more "fire" like.


this bad boy is a poster for the wellness fair 5k. the guy in charge said he wanted a runner with "lines" coming off of him like he's running. wow, what a cool and original idea mister. this is my response. i tried to make something out of nothing, and am actually pretty happy with the results.

i'll have more stuff in a later post including but not limited to:
trill magazine
my scooter (it's here fools)
healthcare coupons

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