Monday, June 2, 2008


or is it whores sex in the city? oh man. pun. words cannot describe how dumb i think this show is. actually, no. as a male, i actually have to applaud the creators of the show for coming up with something that so masterfully caters to female fantasies. they tapped into every girl's insecurities and made millions.

i mean, the women who watch the show are given a main character who manages, despite being very average-looking (and that is a generous adjective), to end up with a tall, handsome, successful, wealthy guy—mr. right (or big, i should say.) this definitely appeals to the female fantasy of being an ordinary woman who still manages to snag a man (who might be out of her league) who satisfies all of her needs for a protector/provider.

then you have the most attractive woman on the show ending up with the short, bald guy, thus both satisfying the need of the average woman hoping to see the beautiful one end up with a nerd (while simultaneously sending the message "look how noble we women are—we don't care about looks!")

then there's the female character who satisfies the "have sex like a man without getting emotionally involved" fantasy. and lastly of course, there's the final character who satisfies the need to have a realistic character who actually acts sort of like a real woman in the real world.

the show is basically an excuse for girls to fantasize for two and a half hours. i can deal with that. just don't say it's "good." it's not.

by the way, dressing up in cute dresses and drinking cosmopolitans before going to this movie is no different than the 40 year old guys who dress up like stormtroopers or gandalf.

ps. sarah jessica parker gets turned into glue at the end of the movie.